AB.175 Swim Boys Biel/Bienne, 1979-2003 (Bestand)

Archive plan context

Information on identification

Ref. code:AB.175
Ref. code AP:AB.175
Title:Swim Boys Biel/Bienne
Creation date(s):1979 - 2003

Information on context

Name of the creator / provenance:Swim Boys Biel/Bienne, Alain Pilecki
Bestandsgeschichte:Versé aux archives municipales par Alain Pilecki en 2023.

Information on content and structure

Content:Chronique «Swim Boys Biel - Bienne. 50 ans d'histoire (1929-1979)»

Conditions of access and use

Access regulations:Gemäss ArchG (BSG 108.1) und ArchDV Gemeinden (BSG 170.711)
Language:Deutsch, Französisch
Archival Material Types:Band
Physical properties:analog
Extent:0.02 lfm.
Finding aids:nein
State of preservation:gut


Permission required:Keine
Physical Usability:Uneingeschränkt

URL for this unit of description

URL: https://query.biel-bienne.ch/detail.aspx?ID=94308
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